In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
One of the greatest acts of worship in the sight of Allah is charity, and the best charity is providing water, as the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said when asked: "Which charity is best? He said: 'To give water.'"
By the grace and blessings of Allah, a water well as an ongoing charity has been inaugurated in a poor village in Bangladesh, generously donated by the members of the RCM Engineering Team. This project is part of the team's ongoing efforts to improve the living conditions of the most needy people, providing them with access to clean water.
We ask Allah to accept this act from us and to bless this ongoing charity, making its benefits reach the people of the village and helping alleviate their daily struggles. Water is a great blessing, and every drop that quenches thirst is a step towards a better and more sustainable life.
We also confirm that this is just the beginning of many humanitarian projects we strive to implement in collaboration with volunteer teams worldwide. We ask Allah to guide us to continue these charitable efforts and to make them a source of reward for everyone who contributed to this blessed project.